CBS Radio-The Jordan Rich Show

Click to listen to Rev. Temple Hayes interviews Sondra Sneed on Radio
My interview with Rev. Temple Hayes

Philip Mereton Host Internet Talk Radio | Conversations Beyond Science and Religion – An Atheist Talks with God |

david-mcmillan-strategies-for-livingInterview with with Family Therapist David McMillan on Strategies for Living >


  Media Tool Kit PHOTOS and BIOS: Link Here.

BELOW: On Dr. Kim’s “The Secret to Everything,” show, I did a reading for the producer, some staff, a caller, and someone from the chat room.  You’ll hear my call-in reading style.

NOTE: I begin at 61:25 minutes — to fast forward 1.) click on the |> play symbol on left, 2.) click inside the recording window just past the middle  3.) notice the counter at the window’s right.

Listen to internet radio with KimberlyMcGeorge on Blog Talk Radio

NOTE: Correction to book titles: What To Do When You’re Dead, is the title to replace The Year I Fell To Earth.

Dr. Gabby’s Take

Soul Dancer author of Pay Me What I’m Worth, gave me a wonderful opportunity to guide a short, meditation/breathing exercise on his show.    

Listen to internet radio with souldancing on Blog Talk Radio