Be what you are designing (action),
Instead of what you wish (no action)”

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  1.  Make the conscious decision to listen to your thoughts
  2.  Listen to how often you beat yourself up
  3.  Listen to how often you betray yourself
  4.  Listen to how often you forget to love
  5.  Listen to the judgments you make

  6.  Listen to what you think you’re not good at

  7. Listen to how you mock those who try to be their best
  8.  Listen to those you want to be like, and see what it is they are doing that you already do
  9.  Listen to the way people are talking to you in your mind
  10.  Listen to why you always use your frustration to end your state of calm

When you think -“I’m not good at that” – you think as if you can’t, when the real issue is that you won’t.

If you teach a teacher to better teach, you are teaching the teacher what they are learning, instead of what they already know. But when the teacher wants to know something you don’t know, instead of saying, “I’m not good at that,” you’re better off saying, “that’s not what I teach.”  Because you’re identifying what you are, instead of what you are not.

So what do you say you’re not good at?  

Do you say, “I’m not good at technology” or “I’m not good with names,” or “I can’t remember what I’m doing most of the time”? Because these are exactly the kinds of things people will say out loud.

How often such things are spoken are an indication of how many times similar thoughts are thought – 3 to 1.  You say it once, it is thought three times.  So the less you say such things aloud, the less you think these things in silence.

Why are these thoughts destructive?

Self-abandonment is a chronic case of an ill-prepared mind.  You cannot prepare your mind to perform if you state what you think you’re not good at.  If you reveal what you are instead, you stick to your own side.  You’re on your side.

If you abandon your own side, you are leaving yourself vulnerable to other people’s opinions.

If there are things you have not mastered, things that simply require your focus and attention not aptitude, you have awareness of what you could learn if you took the time to learn.  You can decide you don’t wish to study to be better at technology, names, or attention, and in that decision still stay on your side. However, if you wish to learn, you will have a prepared mind to do better.

Stay on your own side. Or no one else will.

What have you said out loud about what you’re not good at? Is there something you can get better at, but you’ve simply decided isn’t among your natural abilities? What if it’s just a case of not following your curiosity?

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