It’s time for a dose of courage…

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Healthy boundaries are built from an open heart.

Written on the walls of your heart is every feeling you have ever had.
You can’t escape feelings. But you can create space. Space puts distance between you and negatively charged emotions.
If you are blind to your true feelings, joylessness and hurt will control your reactions. Unconscious triggers put you in moods counter to your ambition. They distract your best self.
Some people call this self-sabotage. It is not. It’s denial of the True self.
If your True self is buried in unidentified feelings, you will lie your way to being heard; and not even know you are lying!
When you are CONSCIOUS of your feelings however, you will stay true, open and vulnerable. And that is sooooo attractive, forgiving, and self-loving.
If you don’t stay open, you will erect walls instead of boundaries. Walls weaken the heart and keep you trapped in states of self-loathing.
Your human heart is a living document. Its muscled walls are inscribed with injuries and joys since birth.
Here’s how to strengthen what may be weakening.

What You’ll Discover from
“Key Principles of an Open Heart”:

“The True nature gives with an open hand. The Untrue nature gives with a closed hand.
“This is because the true nature prepares always to receive love and the untrue nature prepares always to give pain.”
Sondra Sneed, Key Principles of an Open Heart
WHAT YOU’LL LEARN (deeper with each read)
The differences between an open heart and a closed heart
Rules of engagement when there is complaint against you
What another’s treatment of you tells you about you
What does it mean to heal others with an open heart?
Why love can neither be given nor taken away
What happens when love is not returned?

These “godscribing” meditations are what revealed my unique abilities at age 39. It took 7 years before I was willing to go public with this psychic gift. 3 years, working two jobs (my day job and the dream job), and I finally did it. The result was the release of my first book, What to Do When You’re Dead.
Speaking events followed the book’s release. So going public meant face-to-face with the fears and trepidation of revealing myself, as I am.
That’s when and why Source delivered this document, KEY PRINCIPLES OF AN OPEN HEART that I’m sharing with you now.
I have been practicing its tenets ever since. Because the more I deal with opposition about what I’m doing, the more I need to understand the world does not define me. My work defines what I am in the face of the world.

Put your heart into it!
If that sucker is closed down, the prize is lost on your ungrateful self.
THE GOOD NEWS? There’s a way to ease the heart open. Because that’s how you were born.
And those people you think are better than you? They simply learned one very important rule, control the emotions. To demonstrate good humor about yourself comes from a STRONG, open heart.[/text_block]

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