The Seed of God Within

Imagine there is only one way to find yourself.  Imagine this path is a way to your heart and not to your mind. Imagine that your mind is in your heart when you find yourself. This is the way to understand all things that have ever happened in your life. This is also how you will mostly find the way that life has happened to you. 


Without your knowing it, your heart has maneuvered everything you’ve ever experienced.  What this means is that you have been made by what your heart responds to and what it ignores.  The more you ignore, the more life seems to have no meaning and no real identification with what you thought about your life.  What this is telling you is that you have a great deal of living to do yet, if your heart is not in good repair.

The repair I’m talking about is not a heart that suffers from heart disease, but heart illness.  The difference is that heart disease is a symptom of what is ailing your heart.  Disease is measurable by science’s devices for measuring what is normal and what is abnormal.  Heart illness, however, is about what you cannot see that is disturbing you and causing you to suffer uncontrollably.  The symptoms of heart illness come out in your relationships with other people.

Other people also have a heart in various stages of illness and wellness.  As you learn to allow wellness to occur, more and more well people will be surrounding your life.  So long, however, as you have a toxic affect on others, you will suffer the toxic effect of others.  You may say that you are not responsible for the toxic people in your life, but the more well you become the less you will tolerate toxic people, and therefore the less people who are toxic will come around.  The more you are able to tolerate toxins in your blood, the more they will hang around and cause you a karmic shift from curable to incurable.

What is incurable?

Nothing worthies the state of nothingness more than the lack of hope that what is bothering your state of affairs will never end.  In other words, only you can decide what is curable and what is hopeless.

That said, there are many elements of illness that are not easy to uncover and not easy to expose to the light of God within you.  This is why you must take stock.

How to Take Stock:

1.  Open your mind to the idea that you are being controlled by the world around you, in very subtle ways.

These subtle ways include

  • how the news makes you feel about the world;
  • the way your family tells you about what you can and cannot do;
  • the way you are always forcing yourself to fit-in to the way the world worthies itself;
  • by telling you how to dress, how to eat, how to live, and how to love.

Open your mind to the possibility that everyday you are invaded by what the world wants from you.

2.  Open your mind to the idea that there are people who don’t have your best interest at heart, who are working on your psyche, to attempt to get you to do things you aught not do.  For some people it’s as simple as being taken advantage of at work.  For others it’s a drastic form of self-denial that others are forcing down their throats.  These are two sides of the extremes that we are forced into when we don’t take stock of our most important natures.

3.  Open your mind to the notion that only you can allow this to happen.  Make sure that each person in your life is concerned only with how you might feel if they were to do something against your will.  People who step all over you, without that concern, are the very people who will suck the life right out of you, if you don’t take stock in who you are.

4.  Imagine that you are the greatest mind that ever lived.  This mind is the only one capable of healing disease and curing the world’s ways of dark and impenetrable doom.  This mind is a process of God, and it is contained within you in such a way that calling it forth is the most powerful event you could ever witness in the stillness of your knowing.  Take stock of the mind of God within you, notice that it has incredible power.  Notice that you will one day learn to use it for your very own healing.

5.  Learn how to love.  I don’t mean to love unconditionally but to love yourself with unconditional acceptance. Learning this simple task will take stock of everything you ever did and say, “hey, that’s not such a bad thing.”  Unless of course you believe that what you’ve done is unforgivable.  If so, see number six.

6.  Unforgiving the unforgivable.  This is an impossible task.  One cannot unforgive.  Forgiveness is the act of seeing another as a human being that has made a mistake in judgement.  The mistakable judgement is having made someone else unworthy.  This is an act of not seeing that God is contained within each human being, and if that was well received, then the person who received the bitter atrocity would not have suffered under the hands of the human being who made them unworthy.  Every single soul is worthy in the mind of God and the mistakes that are made are not only forgiven but they are released into the part of God that is separate from peace.  Peace is what God dwells within, and you dwell within God.  When you have opened your heart, and the heart of God speaks the words of peace, then all is forgiven and even forgotten, because no deed that is forgiven will remain in the memory of God’s sweet surrendering peace.


  1. Dear Sondra
    I liked what you said about The repair I’m talking about is not a heart that suffers from heart disease, but heart illness.
    Follow this kind of items because they are very good, congratulations.

    • hi Francisco,
      You’re right, there’s not a lot of discussion about the difference between heart disease and illness of the heart. God talks a lot about the heart in my book, too. We don’t do enough science relating to the effects on the heart from emotional illness. The heart is the source for all feelings because what we feel is directly correlated to what the heart is responding to.

      Thanks for writing!