NOTE: This is not an easy one to comprehend. I put into parenthesis approved clarifiers.
God says…
There are always people in your camp looking for a way out of your good graces. (They don’t want to own your attention, just use it for a few brief moments to get what they need from you.)
This is because they wish to have consent when it comes to how you work with them, or how they understand you.
What this means is there are people who want you to get them permission to undermine you (Marketing survey companies). They are often unkind behind your back. (People with two faces. Companies with a front face and behind the scenes are doing things they aught not.)
These are not people whom you have entrusted your love to, these are people in the community who have an agenda that needs your buy-in (political, spiritual, economical etc.). These are people who want to sell you something you don’t need, at least these are the obvious ones.
But there are those who simply want you to get the most of what you do, in a way that serves their interest.
This can come as a shock when you realize that you were duped by their friendliness. But if you look beyond friendliness and find out what they need from you early on, you can determine what kind of relationship is possible.
This is your valuable consent.
In Sondra’s case, she is looking for each of her clients to pay her bills, nothing about that is unclean. So she invokes in each of them a sense of obligation, by the means of her attractiveness (charisma, dramatic show of attention etc.).
This is how we designed it, and how we design each of your assets, too, when it comes to how people will perceive you, as you enter the world in your brightest manner.
It is your attraction that is the thing that comes from you, without your consent.
We are writing this post so to warn you, of any other who may wish to take your money without you wanting to give it.
There is nothing in the ways of our soul readings for people, or our source talks that should enlighten you without your consent, so why allow others to do so?
You are duped by people every single day – in the grocery store (packaging), on television, in magazines, but most assuredly in the news. Even religious people are guilty of asserting what you have to consider without consent.
Take the ascension of Jesus the Christ. This is a story that will steal from you a true nature of understanding the utmost of you, if you comprehend it as a matter of consensual attraction.
When the story of Easter comes to people’s awareness in the form of myth, it will sound as if the man known as Yeshua arose from his grave. But this is not the case. He ascended from his form and visited his loving wife Mary before he made his passage to the ways of his God.
This is a soul that is unbound, both from the body as from the spirit. This is a very dangerous thing to do, but he had to reassure Mary that he was not dead. This was to get her consent, to be her very most important Being after death. He became, in other words, her Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is a being that has past from the earth in order that it may become the Holy nature for an individual to deliver messages from God.
For some people this is the only way they can hear God, for any length of time, through one they are willing to listen to.
This is how God gets people’s consent to communicate directly through their mind. Because of God’s enormity, some people cannot give full consent for listening. So God works through a Holy Spirit.
If someone you love has passed, and you sense them around you, and you notice they are lit by the light of God, listen deeply for their whispers, so that you may hear me and know me, through their works with you.
But the first thing you have to do is stop giving consent to those other unknown people, who lull you into the practice of the ways of the world, first. Because you will not see me in the ways of the world. The ways of the world will lull you into security that is false and undeniably cruel.
The worth of your consent is utmost priority. Hold it precious. And don’t let anyone tell you what to know, you must experience that which you can know, by evaluating what you do as either coming from your own understanding or someone elses.
Hi Sondra, I read your article several times to get the fullness of it. I disagree with the notion that you obligate through charisma, dramatic show of attention,etc. to pay your bills. I have no concept of responsibility for paying your bills. Although I admit the features you have are nice to meet up with. However, it’s the information that is imparted through you that has and is propelling my being forward in this world. This is what has really formed the kinship I hold with you. I so admire the growth and work and courage it takes to share all that with the world. I am looking forward to hearing more in Denver. LOL Vega
You’re awesome, Vega.
That was an amazing little snippet you shared about Yeshua’s WIFE Mary. I caught a TV program a few weeks ago that i discussed the life of Michaelangelo and his religious beliefs that often ran counter to the Catholic church. Some of his art was analyzed and there was strong evidence to suggest that in more than one painting/ sculpture the woman the Christ is in a loving pose with is his wife Mary Magdalene and not his mother Mary.
Sondra…thank you for your most timely words. It is still hard for soooo many to hear the truth, even though all we do is towards the ascension work of our Spirit. Our only reason for being alive is to grow into the image of our Father, the Great Spirit. So these words are for you my dear Sister…please keep the words of truth coming!
Thanks, G’Mo4G! That means so much to me. It really really does. xo, Sondra
I dont know how I got on your list… But this is not my way at all … I am a bible believing christian… So remove my name
Dear Sandy,
I don’t know how you got there either, but there is an unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email.
I don’t doubt my work might offend, if “bible believing Christian” is the only way you know God.
I hope you’ll forget what you saw here, and go back to the world that best suits you, without hurting anyone on my blog who might be offended by the thought that you disapprove of them.
Sondra & God
To say my beliefs shouldnt offend you or anyone on your list… Think my reply was edited? I have un subscribed several times but…
This email came at just the right time. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Tracy, I appreciate that very much. It was a hard one to let loose. I’ve received more unsubscribes from this one than any other to date. I must have struck a nerve with some people.
Hi There! Will be at your program in Denver on March 20th!! So excited that Ed is coming this time also!!! Love You Dear One!!! Dew
I love you, too, Dew. Hee, that rhymes nicely. 😉