“An Awesome Book for Spiritualists”
By: James O. Clark II (Forest Grove, OR)
I am a long time spiritualist (a non-aligned Christian) who has spent the better part of 20 years reading spiritual/New Age/Metaphysical works. My favorite form of spiritual work is a “Conversation” type work, when the author and God have a back and forth dialogue such as this book. I am a deeply devoted reader and fan of Neale Donald Walsch’s books, “Conversations with God, a Common Dialogue” series of books…having read and re-read many of them. I own most of Walsch’s works. Neale stopped writing Conversation-style works with his last such publication which ended HIS conversation between himself and God for all of us readers, leaving me and I bet countless millions of other readers out in the dark. It is the same experience as when you are watching a certain kind of movie, let’s say, a war movie…and you enjoy it so much, you want it to go on and on but there are no more war movies on TV…leaving you feeling like your mood is lost. Well, that is how I felt back in 2007 and nothing that Walsch has written since has mattered much to me…it just fails to resonate. I have been searching and searching now for 6 years for God to pick up the Conversation and GET BACK TO WORK on the never ending project of God speaking to Humanity, directly and boldly and unashamedly. So when I picked up Sondra’s book, I was so HAPPY! I rushed home, dropped everything, dug into my EZ chair in my living room (Oh Boy! Another Conversation!). It was the exact same kind of excitement that Bilbo Baggins in the Lord of the Rings says when he says, “I am ready for another adventure!” And by the way, it is confirmed in THIS BOOK, that Middle-Earth really did exist and it’s not just the imagination of JRR Tolkein either- but that is another story and another book. So like Bilbo, I hiked out on my new-found PRECIOUS Ring…and when I began to wear the Ring, I experienced once again that awesome, overwhelming feeling, that tremendous surge of renewal, that I was indeed in the Presence of the Almighty…sometimes, I got a little irritated with the bad news about us human beings, and sometimes, I actually cried…sometimes, as I read it…I got a warm fuzzy feeling wrapping around my heart. And there are times, with what I read, that the words LEAPED out to me and GRABBED me by the shirt and said, “Yes, it is YOU I am talking to.” There is so much to know here, so much to remember, so much to LEARN. This is a marvelous book…it has re-awakened my faith in God that God never stops talking to us – and even if God is a little pissed that we have ruined the Earth and wonders why God should care about mankind any longer, I know deep down in my heart, that God loves each and every one of us, no matter how small or insignificant we are within the Big Picture – how tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny we might be – but the fact is, that every cell of the Mind of God makes up the ENTIRE Mind of God and if EVEN one little tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny cell of God’s Mind is missing, it becomes an incomplete God Mind. And in this case, there are currently on Earth, 7 billion God Mind Cells. How many worlds can God afford to allow getting “wasted” before God’s Mind is wasted? That is what this book is really all about – it is all about HOW we need to turn things around and since we have done such a lousy job of things here, been so reckless in the world, we don’t have a whole lot of time left. Even in Neale’s works, we find some warnings there but not as URGENTLY stated as in this Conversation – obviously, the damage we have done to LIFE on Earth has intensified and Mother Nature is reporting to God just how dire the situation has gotten. I wish to say, that God needs to know and understand, that there are those of US who are WITH God in this – not all of us are in denial, not every human being. God knows every human being who will read this book. God already knew I would…just as God knew I would read Neale’s Conversations. All I can do is tell you – READ THIS BOOK, and do it NOW! This book belongs on a much HIGHER book shelf then the one I found it on. It belongs in every book store front space prominently displayed. It belongs at the entrance of every book store that has new titles on it. It belongs at the check-out stand so people can see it. It belongs in a whole lot of hands of people everywhere who don’t know what is happening in the world and are worried. It deserves be heard at the Mountain Top.
“Sondra Sneed Employed by God”
By: C.Parker (Arlington, VA)
This book by Sondra Sneed is definitely an excellent presentation and introduction to connecting with God. It also shows that connecting with God doesn’t have to take place in a church, hers took place in her basement. It answers many questions for her as well as that pertaining to life after death. IT does however focus on those who do not know their connection with the creator, and in a very straight forward way. It will not please everyone including those who are already on the Path, who will be anxious to read her other books to come. She’s in the world now and not turning back, her work has begun and it is for God. Her banner is the banner of Love!
“This is not a book, it is an experience…”
By: T. Love “Spiritual Radio Show Host” (Sparta, NJ)
I read this book for the sole purpose of developing questions for an on-air radio interview. That didn’t happen. Well, okay, it did. But much more happened as well. I believe anything is possible. Having said that, I admit, I was going into this interview with a little skepticism. I read the book but discovered nothing knew. The concepts have been discussed by others before. Why then are these ideas a direct dictate from the mind of the Universe? Well, she had me at Hello. From the moment Sondra Sneed said hello, before we went on-air, I thought, “this is real”. The show was great. The feedback was wonderful and the book, though a bit academic in that there are times it’s necessary to refer to footnotes for clarification, is outstanding. It is DEEP. That may be why the skepticism. I needed to feel into the deeper parts openly and allow myself to hear and clearly see what was written. I did not do that when I read the book for the interview. I am capable of learning however so after the show, and it has taken me a few days to get this accomplished, I re-read parts of the book and found there is an experience to be had. It’s almost untouchable. It’s a knowing. I got it. I got it when we spoke about it. Then I wrote this review. It is an incredible book that needs to be FELT in the reading. Reading as I do to develop questions was not giving it a fair chance. NOW, I see and feel what it has to offer. If you take the time and allow yourself to open up to it – you, too, may find it is an experience. I awoke the next day feeling lighter, with a sense that something big was happening. I was cradled in positive energy that was not the normal energy I feel when I invoke energy for my clients. I had this experience after experiencing the book through reading and discussion. I know I was receiving guidance, I may not know for what yet, but I know something big was happening and it was elating. Sondra Sneed is providing an offering to those who choose to accept it. it is an offering to truly experience something greater than the self. It is an offering to get to a level of understanding that you may not know exists right now let alone understand but, you will get there. And it is good. And it will lift you. I can’t explain it and I don’t know why I’m trying to explain something that is inexplicable so do yourself a favor and read the book. If you need to read it a couple of times, do that. You’ll get it. I believe with each reading you will even get more. I’ve never written a review like this. Check the others out if you want. I make them short, usually, and to the point. I’m finding it hard to write a review about this because it is an intangible experience like no other. Well, okay, the word ineffable comes to mind – go with that. Trust in YOU, allow yourself to follow the conversation, go to the footnotes if you need and just keep reading. Don’t be surprised if within a few days you find a noticeable change in a part of you that you cannot quite put your finger on, but you know you experienced. It’s that kind of crazy good that makes it well worth reading, digesting and experiencing.
“A Miraculous Gift”
By: Y. Nutter (Baltimore, MD)
This book is an absolute miracle and blessing and it has changed my life. But be forewarned: this book is not “What To Do When You’re Dead for Dummies.” It is not a vending machine approach to answer all of your questions about God. Rather, it is a guide to understanding, a really good example of how God speaks to us, a valuable tip to “listen in your heart for THIS voice,” and then guidelines for interpreting what is said and meant. It takes work on our parts to get our brains exercised into a place where we can use the valuable tools God has given us through Sondra and this book. We have to train our brains to think differently, our hearts to open up and hear, but mostly we have have to be willing and want to learn it. The vocabulary section (Definition of Terms) helped me beyond measure! I went back to it again and again until I could read through a couple of paragraphs with complete understanding. I recognized God’s voice the moment I picked up the book and read the back cover, and that feeling was confirmed again and again as I learned to read through it. Yes, it took work and learning a different way to understand, but I could not and would not stop until I “got” it. Complete and utter joy was my reward, and I knew for sure that it WAS God I had been hearing and feeling in my heart and “talking” to all of this time; that this was, indeed, the One who assured me of His love, his understanding of my frustrations and fears, and who was always present to offer gentle guidance in what to do next. I just needed to understand his language and usage, and that is what Sondra has so miraculously provided us in this book. I am blown away by her bravery in coming out of the “God Closet” to do this for us, and I will be forever grateful.
“Profound & deep experience… not just a “read”
By: Kimberley S.
This book is an incredible and profound experience to read. It is not a book I’d read once and put on the shelf. It moves me as I go back to it; I receive more from it each time I revisit it. I am so grateful to Sondra for having the courage to write this and make it available to us. The sacred is alive and well. The wisdom and growth potential in the book is limitless. This is a book that speaks to us, that consciousness has brought to us and it is alive. It moves me.
“What to Do When You’re Dead”
By: Leigh C. Tuft
This is a truly marvelous book. I love the concept and the format. She asks intelligent and frequently witty questions, which to me is amazing – she doesn’t seem to be at all in awe of God – they could be best buddies. God’s replies are to be expected, but I found her questions insightful and refreshing. And to me that indicates honesty which is entirely fitting with her newly found relationship going from atheist to embracer. It is a very deep book that cannot be simply skimmed and inhaled. So I am into my second reading, and may read it many times. If you have a seeking mind, I highly recommend this book “What to Do When You’re Dead”
“Q&A Will Shock Most Who Are Still Sleeping Through Their Life”
By: J. Nelson “444 Heart” (Phoenix, AZ)
A long-time pursuer of the Truth will not be shocked by nearly 99% of the dialog in this book. If you’ve really not connected with Spirit in a one-on-one dialog since reading Conversations with God, you’re likely to find new truths in this one. The timing of this information to come to ‘light’ is essentially NOW. Please, if you feel that nothing’s working in your life, read this. It will help all (who are still clinging to 3D human attributes) to awaken. It will explain why some people, things, beliefs have left you. It will assist you to remember who you are, why you are here, what to do if you are depressed, grieving, and/or no longer feeling passion for your existence. It might say to you “What else is possible? How do I begin again?” Your re-connection to Spirit is the key to unlock your joy, your faith, your will to step into your 5D existence. It’s where we are ALL going, so why put off what would make you so much happier any longer??
“We Three Like It”
By: Dean T. Hartwell (Glendale, CA)
I just read this book and I want to laugh and I want to cry.
I want to laugh because the idea of communicating with God seems preposterous.
I want to cry because as one who rarely rejects an idea out of hand, I realize she could be right. God sounds so demanding when he gives her lessons on the universe. I was never good in science.
But I find myself between laughter and a tear. The philosopher in me thinks the book is a non-falsifiable assertion. The attorney in me wants evidence. The atheist in me shudders at talk of “faith.”
And unisex humans before men and women? C’mon!
But seriously. Anyone who can write seriously of communication with God deserves five stars!
“Review of What To Do When You’re Dead by Sondra Sneed”
By: Elizabeth
“What To Do When You’re Dead” by Sondra Sneed is a very unique book about her interview of God. It opens up your mind about the true meaning of why we are here on earth and what is expected of us by God. The book tells us what our souls are and what happens to our soul when we die. In her interview with God, He tells of the Grim Reaper and what the Grim Reaper really is. She mentions in the interview how important it is that we live the way God has intended for us to live. Also, how if mankind does not change, that mankind will cause destruction not only of the earth in which we live, but, of the destruction of our souls as well. She mentions where our soul goes right after we die, before we cross over. Thank you Sondra for such an insightful and informative book. I highly recommend this book. This book is definitely “my cup of tea”!
“Plunge into the light”
by: Frances Steele
Sondra Sneed’s beautiful writing invites the reader into a deeper understanding of and relationship with God. What To Do When You’re Dead records messages Sondra says God told her in a series of conversations. The transcripts include Biblical and scholarly references including the creation story in Genesis, Maslow’s hierarchy, truth hidden in plain sight and darkness overcome from the gospels, questioning of God a la Job, and a relationship between God and humankind evolving from duty to love. Thought provoking and worth while read.
“Something strange happened on the way through this book….”
By: Grady Harp (Los Angeles, CA)
Some books can be read, considered, rethought and reviewed. Other books seep into the psyche and writing about that phenomenon seems almost too challenging to put into words – because something happened more than words that can be recomposed in the form of sharing with others. That is what happens with this book. And it is a mystery worth exploring.
Sondra Sneed lets us get to know the depth of despair into which she plunged, literally into the basement of her home, when she lost her job and the love of her life left her. Alone, she began to write and strangely the writing began to resemble the story from the book of Daniel about King Belshazzar’s feast when the words `mene, mene, tekel, parsin’ appeared. But instead of those words needing translation and interpretation by Daniel, the words Sondra read in her journal were `Unemployed? It is my assertion you are employed by me.’ And this was the beginning of her conversation with God. Seven years later she records all of this for us.
What follows is a slow unraveling of the words that she had in conversation with God (God is the name she uses even though some readers may prefer the term Infinite Being – or `God Being’ defined as follows: `This is an actual state of matter and energy light that has no end. This no end is the greatest level of magnitude achievable and is all of the greatest of any form of being in the cosmological world.’
It is not possible to summarize the content of this book: this is a book that must be read and read slowly and repeated if the concepts are to become part of our thinking. Some readers may put it down as folderol, but others, no matter their previous spiritual affiliation or religious or scientific beliefs, will find an understanding of their presence in this life – a presence that was predetermined to happened to carry out a life task. Sneed uses words and definitions that challenge at first and take a serious amount of time to understand and accept, but the time invested is a worthy commitment.
As Sneed transcribes a part of her conversation with God, God answers in the following words: `The person who is reading this book right now is someone you could never have predicted, but I have. I have made the point to put this in the hands of every living soul who is under my care in order that they may know I am here, listening to their manners of Love and working every way possible to meet their needs. This book is more important to them than even to you. You have already worked through every element of faith possible and don’t even need this book to make you stronger. The fact that you are writing it is proof of how strong your faith has become over the past seven years. What you must see is that this book is for the one who holds it in their hands and says, “My God can hear me!”
If all this sounds too absurd for thought, then this is not a book for you. But if you are a person open to an expanded way of considering life and your place in the cosmos and the path that your life could take if you are in contact with the Being, then there are hours of thought-provoking information for you to absorb here. Grady Harp, April 13