There is only One Way out of Depression

What Happens to A Soul in Suicide-eva-blue-42498-unsplash

Dear Godscribe:

There has been a number of celebrities committing suicide. So I wondered, what happens to a soul when it’s been in a suicide?

Dear Reader,

The word suicide is a misnomer. It means the killing of one’s self.

But if the soul survives, there has been no killing, right?

The question is better to ask, “When a soul is forgotten and a person’s sadness results in offing the body, will the soul feel better?”

The answer to that question is, yes.

The soul’s release from a forlorn body is really experiencing a painlessness.

However – and it is with great emphasis that we say, however – the soul is no more advanced than when it was first born into that body.

So the consequence of suicide is returning to earth in a far more difficult state of circumstances, in order that the soul learns to overcome the forgetting of what it is.

Here’s what depression really is.

The body, mind, and soul are separated from the spirit, unable to recharge life-fullness.

Sometimes it is caused by physical discomfort and sometimes psychological distress.

But everyone has met those individuals who would seem to have every reason in the world to be depressed and yet they are not. And vice-versa.

Spirit knows how difficult it is to live in the world of form, [the physical].

Spirit knows that whatever the body is going through it could be worse, and it can get better.

The only way for someone to come out of depression is to find their Spirit.

Spirit, however, is unable to reach the soul of someone who will not grab hold of their worthiness and fight their mind’s wounding thoughts.

The mind gets overloaded by the brain’s agonizing endnotes.

These “endnotes” have to do with sadness from childhood.

But childhood leaves more than wounds, it also leaves scars that continue to wound the adult.

These wounds are a born soul’s training to survive in the world of form but are mistaken as threats to the body.

So first, a soul needs hope to help the body.

And the body needs to discover hope from the spirit.

Whenever someone says to you, “that’s the spirit!” It is a good indication of how spirit works.

It is actually God growing alive in a person’s sense of self.

[It’s ALIVE!]

God awakens in the body that is calling upon its spirit.

And when that happens, new life is restored to the body as it attempts once again to know the best of itself, instead of wallowing in the worst of itself.


  1. Hello I recently lost my brother to suicide. However, I don’t believe he really wanted to die. I believe he was encouraged & even challenged to do so by someone very selfish and lived a life challenging the darkness of her own soul. I am implying murder in a physical sense but in a spiritual sense (for lack of my understanding I guess). I feel extreme sadness when Im drawn to the inner side. Not sure if Im making sense. But I would like to know why I cant always connect to his soul or spirit. Sometimes I feel like he js lost out there trying to figure out the consequences to taking his own life. He experiences lot of emotional pain growing up and he had a substance abuse problem. Regardless, he was loved and very much needed here on earth. His name is James Derry, Im told he died on 8/21/20. I am not peaceful with that date but I dont know why that matters to me so much. If there is anything you may suggest that could help me understand more about the connection I feel to him now I will be grateful & willing to understand the truth. Is there something here that is meant to teach me or show me? Sincerely I appreciate what you gift to others.

  2. Hi Sondra,
    I initially searched “suicide and the afterlife” and your site came up top of the search. I’m so glad it did!
    My name is Steve, I’m a 48 year old father of 2, I have a son aged 15 and a daughter who is 12 years old. I live in North Wales in the.
    I have led a troubled life which in recent years have come to understand stemmed from trauma in my childhood that was never resolved.
    I have always been curious about life beyond the physical form and have dabbled in things I shouldn’t have in my twenties (Ouija board) I would never again! But it opened my eyes and alot of strange events occurred around that period of my life,but were pushed aside and I moved on so I thought.
    In April 2018 after a short flu like illness I was struck with an illness called Guillain Barre Syndrome, an auto immune disease where your immune system attacks your central nervous system, which rendered me completely paralysed from head to toe and in pain I didn’t think was humanly possible to sustain and still be alive! But I was and obviously still am.
    My stay in hospital was just under 3 weeks, but my recovery both mentally and physically is ongoing. I pushed myself physically (as my physio instructed ) mainly cycling, which I’ve done most of my life to escape and relieve stress and anxiety but even more so since I was ill which is exhausting at times. I’ve covered many miles! Too the point of which I thought what is the point? Which has brought me to your website and like I said I’m glad it did.
    Come March this year this so called Pandemic came about globally (I don’t believe there’s a killer virus rampant’ but there is a far more sinister agenda at play) be what it may it has brought untold misery to many who have ended there lives by their own hand and I absolutely don’t want to be one of them many.
    I am intrigued by the spiritual side of life, been reading things like law of attraction,been seeing sequence numbers constantly since my illness, being drawn to a clock at precisely 10:35 morning and night and remembering I’ve been seeing it since I was very young, amongst other things that I didn’t understand or could explain.
    And the big question, why are we here? What is the point? I’ve overcome so much and my gut feeling tells me to push on, that I’m supposed to be doing something, but to what avail?
    I’m almost half a century old but feel I’ve achieved very little thus far! But I do want to go on! I feel that’s exactly what Im supposed to do?
    Any comment or reply Sondra would be greatly appreciated
    Kind wishes

    • I’m so sorry for the late reply, Stephen. It’s a lot for someone to live through. What you’ve described sounds extreme, which is why I wonder why you don’t believe in pandemics. They’ve wiped out entire civilizations. Today, archaeologists still don’t know what happened to the ancient Maya. But I can tell you, there are lists upon lists of times in human history when nature has tried to get us off of the planet. According to Source, there have been successes. One such success wiped out entire native tribes across the American continent.

      You asked, “Why are we here?” The answer is far too complicated for this blog, but suffice it to say, YOU are here for a reason that is part and parcel to your soul’s evolution. It took a long time for your soul to figure out how to succeed at making a body. You have no idea the nature of time. No idea that the timelessness that is your soul’s journey, if spread out over human time, would be in the eons of eras. You have been many other forms before you succeeded in a human form. Your evolution required great journeys. This is just one. You need to discover your purpose beyond this body, which is why you were struck with an illness that paralyzed you. You were shown this body is not you. You are not the body you inhabit. It’s time to unlock the secrets of what you are, Stephen.

  3. I live in California in a town the has California’s tallest bridge, it is called suicide bridge because there are so many people who have and are jumping off, there is no survival rate, you jump you are for sure dead. The people in the town put notes of hope all along the bridge hoping to detour jumpers, with Suicide happening in our town I wondered what happens to the soul, my Sisters ex boyfriend now tried twice to kill himself, even shooting himself, now he has forever bullet to n his lung. A few sucide survivors say immidate regret happened to them when they tried to kill themselves.

  4. My best Friend Commited suicide by hanging on August 23rd 2020, he was a troubled soul but had so much going for him, at the time he lived alone with his cat in an apartment, We were very close although we hadn’t talked for a long time, we started communicated about 3 weeks before he took his life. It hurts that he called me 3 times the day he took his life, and i was sleeping, but i looked at the phone the second or third time he called and i chose not to answer it because he usually only ever calls me when he’s drunk…
    he also called a few other people and nobody picked up his calls. I’m more than certain he was heavily intoxicated when making this decision. He told me he was having recurring dreams of seeing a red sky about a week before this happened. Now i can only ever wonder if he would still be here if i picked up the phone. It was a selfish thing he did to leave us all hear in pain and heartbroken. I just hope that something dark did not influence him and now has his soul…

    • we didn’t find out until 7 days later that he was dead and they got the door open at his apartment, so he was gone for a week and none of us knew

    • Trent: Red skies take warning. A sailor’s refrain. God was warning him to stay ashore, but he sailed out red skies in the morning, anyway. Look, this terrible tragedy could have been avoided if you were the one responsible, right? You’re a responsible sort of fellow, right? If it were yours to be responsible for, he would not be dead because you take care of your responsibilities, see? But that your friend did not, that he, not you, was irresponsible; had your friend stayed sober and not called only when he was drunk, he would still be alive. If you had picked up the phone, you would only have slowed his train down, but he still would have driven it off of the cliff. But people take death way too seriously. They dread it as if it was a terrible fate of life. If no one feared death and instead looked forward to it, they would spend their life living! And preparing for death, knowing death is not the end, but it does end this opportunity you’re given. Ground Hog Day is the only movie that really fixes the Western World’s warped life/death perspective. Your friend will return, he will suffer, he will learn, he will die, again. And so will you. So make it meaningful. Make it important. This life depends on you understanding you are important to the world by what you contribute to it. xo, Sondra – thanks for your story on my blog.

  5. Hi,
    My friend committed suicide because his girlfriend left him for another man. They were together for years then she left to do her course in another country, he had even asked her to marry him and she had told him yes when he had proposed, he loved her a lot, but later when he asked her she denied everything, and said that they were not even dating but they were dating for years, so he went into depression and he committed suicide, I wanted to know will my friend at least get to be his girl who he loved so much in the afterlife or will she be with this other man who she is currently dating. I was a little concerned as I’m his friend and really wanted to know this because he loved her so much.

  6. “However – and it is with great emphasis that we say, however – the soul is no more advanced than when it was first born into that body.

    So the consequence of suicide is returning to earth in a far more difficult state of circumstances, in order that the soul learns to overcome the forgetting of what it is”

    So the last act of committing suicide invalidates any other growth a soul may have had prior to that event. What proof do you offer for that? Does the soul not bear any responsibility for picking a learning lesson that in reality is too tough for its selected experience-body to overcome? So the end result is to set the bar even higher to overcome in another life? Good luck with that. You consequence statement is spiritually flippant concerning the subject matter without corroborating proof.

  7. What do you do to just end your souls existence at all. Not just the death of body or mind, because body mind are temporary but it has a lasting impact on us souls.. I don’t want to die or just end the pain. I don’t want to be.. Just want to end my existence at all otherwise even death is worthless just like life.. It has no meaning.. You may try to give some meaning to it buts they are all just fabricated lies that you feed yourself.. Everyone need inspiration.. We can’t do anything unless it’s benefiting us, making us rich, getting our work done, making us feel good, in general stroking our egos and feeding our desires.. All our relationships are based on these requirements.. People who meet these requirements stay in our lives and people who don’t are thrown out. What to do if you just can’t do these fake materialistic ego centric relationship crap.. And I mean relationship of any kind.. What to do when these materialistic relationships have been eating and abusing your soul, killing it little by little. When even suicide seems like use less as these relationships who have abused your life will abuse your death too.. Isn’t that saving the soul.. Isn’t there a concession in God’s accounting books.. Is it just the body’s pain that’s considered when giving a martyrs death certificate, souls pain never considered… Is even God that materialist that anything impacts a soul mean nothing to him.. When a soul gives up a body on its own which people refer to suicide does it always means it’s to get away with the pain.. What if even happiness feels useless nothing can ever change the fact that this life or anything beyond this, source or anything at all is not worth it.. Desire to survive is temporary and death is inevitable.. And the soul waiting for death to come eagerly praying for it so it could get rid of this toxic cycle get over with it at once without having to go through the unnecessary pain.. And when you say the source wants to be associated with happy.. Is this source you call God even worth the trouble.. Like if the source or anyone cannot be with you in pain, is it worth keeping in joy… How do you trust something that’s so selfish and self centered..

  8. What do you do to just end your souls existence at all. Not just the death of body or mind, because body mind are temporary but it has a lasting impact on us souls.. I don’t want to die or just end the pain. I don’t want to be.. Just want to end my existence at all otherwise even death is worthless just like life.. It has no meaning.. You may try to give some meaning to it buts they are all just fabricated lies that you feed yourself.. Every need inspiration.. We can’t do anything unless it’s benefiting us, making us rich, getting our work done, making us feel good, in general stroking our egos and feeding our desires.. All our relationships are based on these requirements.. People who meet these requirements stay in lives and people who don’t are thrown out. What to do if you just can’t do these fake materialistic ego centric relationship crap.. And I mean relationship of any kind.. What to do when these materialistic relationships have been eating and abusing your soul, killing it little by little. When even suicide seems like use less as these relationships who have abused your life will abuse you le death too.. Isn’t that saving the soul.. Isn’t there a concession in God’s accounting books.. Is it just the body’s pain that’s considered when giving a martyrs death souls pain never considered… When a soul gives up a body on its own which people refer to suicide does it always means it’s to get away from.. What if even happiness feels useless nothing can ever change the fact that this life is not worth it.. Desire to survive is temporary and death is inevitable.. And the soul waiting for death to come eagerly praying for it so it could get rid of this toxic cycle get it over with at once without having to go through the unnecessary pain.. And when you say the source wants to be associated with happy.. Is this source you cakk God even worth the trouble.. Like the sourse or n ythung cannot be with you in pain us it worth keeping in joy…

  9. Hi dear sondra .im rana .i just came across to this post .lately my suicide thoughts are getting out of hand again and i don’t know what to do .so i thought maybe if i share this with you i might feel better because i have no one to talk to openly about this .i fell into depresstion since 2015 .sadly i had no clue about it .i mean i really didnt know what depresstion is acually about .it took me years to understand it .now im 23 .recently i was moving out from it but then came shame and guilt about those years .i lost so many things.i cant forgive myself .i keep telling myself i could do better .after this life can i born again if i want to ?there are so many things that i want to enjoy

    • Dear Rana,
      Your depression is probably related to more than one thing, but I can guess that most of it is related to not enough stimulus to the brain from physical activity. You are probably very intelligent and spend way too much time in your head. The brain needs more oxygen, in order to get out of the thoughts that depress you. “Thinking” will kill your good mood. If you feel guilty for having been depressed, well, that’s your brain telling you what others will think about you, instead of just loving yourself, even with depression and all the other decisions you’re not proud of.

      When you talk about your depression with people who don’t suffer from it, you’ll get a feeling there’s something wrong with it. But many of us have suffered from it at one time or another, so you’re in good company. Until you can get treatment for it, it’s best to have a physical activity that takes your mind off of the thoughts that can drag you into the mud. For some of us, depression becomes a comfortable hell. It’s the only way we know how to handle being alone and isolated. But it’s important to know there’s a way out, and it takes time to learn techniques that work for you. Here are some that have helped me in the past, to get out of my state of being depressed.

      1. Listen to books about positive thinking, or are by positive-minded teachers. This helps to occupy your thoughts so you can move about. Thinking will stop the body from moving.
      2. While listening to these books, do chores around the house like cleaning, organizing, painting, crafting — anything that gets you to a clean state of being. Make sure to keep the table next to your bed completely clear of anything except water and the clock.
      3. Open your heart with breath. Deep breathing exercises bring oxygen to the brain and make the soul feel more present in your body. The soul will disengage when you are depressed because it doesn’t like how you talk about yourself. The soul is always looking for joy, so when you don’t bring it joy it wants out.
      4. Every night before falling asleep, list everything that you have to be grateful for. Be grateful for having a bed, because so many don’t. Be grateful for all the little things. So you’ll say, “Thank you for this bed. Thank you for the shoes in my closet. Thank you for my phone. Thank you for the light. Thank you for my friend. Thank you for sending me help. Thank you for making me a smart female. Thank you for teaching me how to love myself as I get better and better at it.” If you do this every night, in the mornings you will start to feel less stressed by what you don’t have because you’re paying attention to what you do have.
      5. Drink lots of water in the mornings.
      6. If you suffer panic attacks, stay away from caffeine until they subside.
      7. Don’t listen to music with lyrics unless they are uplifting and upward feeling. The words of many songs can make the brain think you’re the one the song is about. Don’t feed the brain anything that makes it feel bad.
      8. Stay busy. If you’re struggling to stay busy, then you’re not thinking about all the good things your life can become. There’s always something new to learn, someone worse off you can help, something you can fix, or clean, or make better.
      9. Never ever ever believe your thoughts. They lie. Thoughts are not you, you are not your thoughts.
      10. Learn to make your mind shut up. Focus your mind on the back of your head. This will turn off the thinking brain and turn on the silence. True silence is filled with magic. Learn to meditate on this magical silence. You’ll feel better immediately when you don’t pressure yourself with things you can’t control. Shut off the mind from trying to control everything that’s out of your control.
      11. Journal your thoughts. Write down the things you want to change and set goals. Look at yourself as full of possibility, and write down what it takes to make what seems difficult into something you can make better and better. Compare what you hate with what you love. Allow what you love to grow inside you and learn to let go of the things you hate. They are not you. You are able to be what you love if you’ll only love what you are that loves.

      Let me know how these things work for you! You’re doing fine, Rana. You have a lot of living to do. Depression is temporary. It’s always workable. It always gets better when you look to hope. xo, Sondra

  10. I’m in a very bad place an I came across this I feel I’m at the end of my day’s. It’s brought me some peace x

  11. When you’re dead, you are dead. Gone. Dust. Relief but the reality is “you are no long in existence”. So, truly no worries. You have no clue. That’s the beauty of death, gave over.

    • Hi Matt,
      Did you know there isn’t a shred of evidence that the death of the body is the end of one’s existence? There is, however, compelling evidence that one’s consciousness still remains after death. There is compelling video documentation all over the internet by legitimate sources that people can experience hauntings by souls, of people that have passed. There are also surveillance videos of residual information, as well as intelligent interaction with living people who witness these phenomena. To ignore it is to be ignorant of it, but until you have your own experience, you may choose to pooh pooh other’s, but you won’t change their minds because they know what they saw.

  12. I ended up here because of research I am doing for a friend. Good information here. Thank you for your work

  13. Amazing work that you do. I am a bit apprehensive about mastering my abilities to connect and communicate with the source. I am often contacted by spirits and have been for most of my forty years of life in this body. Do you have any tips or encouragement for me?

    • Hi Nikki! Thanks for asking. Connecting to your God-Source is the best way to learn more about your gifts as a spirit communicator. When you have that connection to God, you’ll get better at your relationships with higher spiritual beings, who are the most important communicators when spirits contact you. You’ll want something that can bring your vibration up because if you’re a medium, then the level of your vibration will dictate who contacts you. Some mediums are plagued by souls who want to communicate. The only way to stay in the clear, is to know what comforts you. God is the best one to comfort because God is always present and you can keep the others at bay while you connect to God, first. Also, consider using Arch Angel Michael as a protector from dark entities. They will burn in the light of Michael’s sword when you meditate on it. Only the highest spirits can reveal themselves in Michael’s presence. Stay safe and start practicing! You must have a lot to do yet if you’re still uneasy with God/Source, because this is the highest of your way. God loves a medium who will help the souls of others. Let God help you help God. xo, Sondra

  14. My fiancé committed suicide last December. I’ve had a few reading since then because I’ve been left with so many questions. I’ve been reading this post over and over and it’s so interesting to me. I never comment or anything but felt drawn to. Best regards, Kayla.

    • Please help me,there is so much to say. But I really need your help.

      • Rona, I cannot help if you cannot take the time to write what help you need. Start with a journal. Document how you feel and keep writing until you feel better. Don’t let the sadness take you down. You need to speak what hurts and ask for what heals. Start with the end in mind. The end is wellness. To get to wellness you must identify and speak the illness. Otherwise, it’s trapped and so are you. Love, Sondra

    • I’m so sorry for your loss, Kayla. That’s a tricky situation. By now you know you’re not responsible, I hope, but also know that the pain someone keeps inside will be the pain they take to the grave. So it’s impossible to help him unless he is ready to ascend and start anew, in a new life in spirit. I sense he is not yet, however. I sense he is quite confounded by why he made a silly decision when he could’ve been smarter, stronger, more alive. Now that he’s dead it’s pretty clear to him he overreacted and underexpressed himself. When you’re ready to forgive yourself for not being everything that he needed to be for himself, you’ll move on, fall deeper in love with yourself than ever before, and show yourself that you’re worthy of joy. xoxo, Sondra

  15. What happens if your soul is trapped here and how can I know if my son’s soul has moved on or is trapped?

    • Kelly, I sense he’s moved on, but I’m not positive because I’m unable to tap completely in without someone’s birth name. It’s just how I protect myself from inadvertent spirit opportunists – the souls that jump in to communicate. Consider getting a reading with me. It will help release a lot of guilt, too. Warmly, Sondra

  16. Greetings Sondra: I just found your site and it’s interesting. Among other things I am a Rosicrucian and don’t ascribe to any particular religion, however, I do believe in one source that manifested all “this” activity. I believe there is order in the universe and behind that order there is “Mind”. Whatever you chooses to call that source is fine with me.
    Some theories put forth that suicide does not permit a rest on the other side, rather you must come right back into this environment and theoretically pick up where up where you left off. But I was talking to a woman in Miami who told a story about the relationship between my sister and our mother. She said that in a previous life our mother took the life of my sister to save her from being killed in some diabolical way.
    Like in a court of man’s law I am comfortable with “intent”, that is, if your intentions are genuine the divine source allows exceptions. Let’s say you were caught in a fire with no way out, but you had a gun. Would you rather take your life immediately or burn to death somewhat slowly so that you would experience the experience. I haven’t done enough thinking about that to have a more solid position.
    Thank you for doing what you do. Look behind the veil and always ask questions.
    -Sincerely, Gordon

    • Wow, Gordon. You wrote that you were advised by a psychic that in a previous life your mother took the life of your sister to save her from being killed in some diabolical way. I knew it was true b/c my blood ran cold. I felt the chill of death as I read that. What’s interesting is that there is a repeat family relationship, which must mean amends of some kind have to be made. Have they been, do you think?

      Re: Rosicrucians – I used to do an event in San Jose every fall. I’d stay with a student/client who lived across the street from a Rosicrucian museum there. I would meditate in the gardens in the morning with my coffee. In fact, some of my author pictures were shot there.

      The iconography in the hieroglyphs of the Rosicrucians, to me, depict the way I experience my work with Source. I’m super curious about them. The orb, above the heads on the hieroglyphs, what is it called? Does it represent Source? Is it a sun God? Or as I suspect, is it the Christ, which I teach is the light that came out of the void?


      God says:

      “Situations where death is the only way to avoid the agony awaiting a person, (whether by disease or capture), these are not suicides to our mind. These are martyrs to and worshipers of well-being.

      Therefore, ending the body’s existence, before a natural death is a sacrifice, of some kind, in those cases, and NOT an escape route in the course of mental anguish.

      Making a sacrifice to well-being is a very spiritual act. In a sense that’s exactly what the story of Jesus reveals. But that’s another story…

      The body and soul are two distinctly different beings. The body can live without the soul’s investment, but it’s such a lonely existence. The soul can live without the body, too, but if it has not found purpose and the body is the only purpose of its being that the soul knows, the soul will become unable to move into spirit, and then becomes trapped by the body. This is the biggest risk of suicide.

      Source is never interested in punishing a weakened mind, only strengthening it.

      If fact, the only punishing Source will do is for the purpose of education, not condemnation.

      Thanks so much for your awesome question!

      • Good morning, Sondra. I can’t respond to the repeat family relationship. I don’t know if amends have been made. I consider that both my sister and I got along with our mother. That might be something that could be explored in a reading.
        I have been initiated through the twelve Rosicrucian degrees and have taken a little break from the Plains Levels, but I’m not sure which symbol your are referring to. You might already know the Rosicrucians are all about iconography and symbols. If it is an eye it symbolizes the all knowing eye of the creator of the universe.
        Rosicrucianism traces its roots back to the Egyptian period. For hundreds of years it was “underground”, or secret because of the threats to anyone who taught anything contrary to the established beliefs at the time. Early in the last century H. Spencer Lewis was given the authority to reorganize the teachings in America. It no longer was a secret society like it was before. Many of the drawings and symbols were made by him.
        I like the teachings because they “present” information and allow you to assimilate it and decide what is true to you. You also can test things with experiments. You would enjoy their teachings.
        Speaking of enjoying, I appreciate you taking time to respond to my communiques. If you are ever in New Mexico you must come and meet my wife Cindy, and I. I’ll hook you up with my green chili sauce and world famous spaghetti sauce. For a more private communication, email me at
        Sincerely, G

    • Having read through some of these comments, I now understand that my experience is quite unique. My partner recently “fell” from a cliff. He struggled with schizophrenia. I have always felt like his death was a sacrifice for his and my well being. I feel too that he did not live in a society that accepted his sight. I am hesitant to say more in a public forum. I didn’t know enough to save him this time.

  17. Interesting existential post. I believe the soul transcends all physical and it’s quite tough to prescribe its events after death.

    • Hey Craige07!

      It’s great to have you here.

      I had to look up the word prescribe here because I wasn’t sure, and still not, as to what you’re meaning. Please elaborate! I love existential ideas. Until I hear back, I’ll try to address your comment. But if I took you wrong, help me out.

      In my work, I allow the being I call God (the character that dwells in every living cell of the Universe) speak and write through me. One has to take it on faith, I know, that that is even possible, but there are many like me throughout history.

      So, the answers you’re reading, in my Dear Godscribe posts, come from that voice. I have no idea what the truth is until it is written or spoken from Source communication. I refer to this as infinite Source intelligence to which we all have access. I’ve simply spent over 15 years now mastering my connection to its ancient knowledge. Thanks for hanging out!

  18. What’s happening to the soul if you commit suicide? Compared to your soul if you die accidentally? Or die of natural causes?

    • The soul is you. So if you off yourself, you’re in a pretty messed-up frame of mind. Your psychology says, “There’s no way out of this” or “there’s no one who loves me”, or some other condition of the mind that cannot live. The soul, in other words, is tormented by circumstances. In death that state of mind carries on. It doesn’t change just because you no longer have a body. These other conditions you mention, accidental death or old age and disease also have states of mind before the body passes. Each individual must meet their maker with a sense of wonder and curiosity for that next phase of existence because any regret can force the soul to linger here without a body. In my book, What to Do When You’re Dead, this is a really important topic, to make your mind a product of joy or you’ll pass in the frame of mind that can trap your soul here.

      • So if someone takes their life they are in a better place then they were before?

        • Oh gosh, no, that’s not what’s being relayed here.

          The soul moves from one dimension to another in death. From physical to non-physical. Therefore, they are not experiencing the immediate pain they were in just before the gun went off or the chair was pushed aside.

          Though the soul survives, they are dead to the world. This soul cannot console those who weep, nor can they change their mind once the pain of the moment has passed.

          There are plenty of failed attempts that have left people deformed or maimed, their will to live was stronger than the will to die, but the will to survive is what pulled them out of depression, not the suicide.

          If feelings of suicide are what warn you, to look at your solutions for wellbeing, then it never has to come to death, or harm in trying to die, before you help yourself with the will to survive.

    • Hi Diana! I wish there was room to answer your question sufficiently, but each soul will have a different experience, depending on where they are at the time of the offing.

      The soul in an honest-to-God suicide is rare, usually they just attempt to eliminate pain, not die. Just as a toothache makes one feel like yanking out a tooth, death by self is an attempt to yank out the pain one has inside.

      Each soul has either lived in a body of torment or tenacity. The tenacious will find their way out of a problem, and with vigor. When they meet a dead end and there’s no way out, they’ve stopped being creative and can get stuck right where they are when they die. Torment will follow any soul that gets lost in the mind of the creature.

      I could do an entire Source Talk just on the soul’s survival in death. And when I finish my next book, I will consider a series about it.

      Thanks so much for joining this conversation. I sat on your question because of the volume of work to answer it. xo, Sondra