How To Know You’re in the Deep within and not in Your Thinking Thoughts
The thinking thoughts that swirl inside your head are thoughts that come from the shallow pool of emotion. Even thinking about what you need to do today is from emotion. Emotion that says, “I must! Or something will happen.” Even if it’s not consciously occuring, your unconscious is always pursuing survival.
This survival depends on you being alert to the consequences and outcomes. Alert to the nature of cause and effect. If this is where your mind is, then it is not in the deep deep down.
The deep depths are not turbulent. They are still. But they do have a current when you’re in the flow of being. This flow has no sense of urgency, no sense of right or wrong, no sense of being correct or being incorrect, no worry at all.
This deep deep down is a peaceful easy feeling that shuts out the thoughts and welcomes the being. The being has language, not thoughts. This language is full of advice if you learn to ask good questions.
These questions include:
- What am I?
- Who am I?
- Why do I exist?
- Why am I here?
- Where do I go next?
- Is there someone I will meet soon?
- Is there a way out of my current situation?
- What do I have to do next that will bring me closer to my purpose?
- What purpose do I serve to be what I was born to be?
These are the questions to ask the deep deep down. But never ask these questions to your thinking brain, because it will sell you nonsensical manners. (This means the language you hear is not to be listened to.)
If your answer sounds like nonsense, go deeper, ask another question and search with a sense of earnest and good manner of giving.
“Good manner of giving” is a way of describing your way of mannering the mind’s ‘question and answer’ ceremony. Treat it with kindness. Treat the mind with a sense of pre-consciousness, as you would a puppy. Make your heart the puppy of your mind. Chase it to the corridors of the mind’s work. You will find this way unruly at first, but then you will begin to see it respond to you and love you back.
Greetings Sondra, maybe I misunderstood this, or is this a typo:
Shouldn’t [Make your heart the puppy of your mind.] actually be –> [Make your mind the puppy of your heart.]
Greetings my friend Sat,
No mistake. Mind is everything, everywhere. God is Mind. Mind is the making of all things. Mind is the processor of thought and all thought is what makes what is. So if the heart is the puppy of the mind, the mind learns to love and appreciate the heart, protect the heart as well as everything else that is of the heart.
You ask wonderful questions.
Thank you for this article, Sondra. I really appreciate the reminder of how important it is to go deep. Your imagery of the deep ocean was really wonderful and I, too, am going to use it! Interestingly, the questions that you posed, “Who am I?” etc are the same questions assigned to us in a course I took recently from Neale Donald Walsch that is focused on connecting with the soul.
I love the sense of serenity I experience when I go deep down, and the loving guidance that I receive there.
Thank you, Sondra
Deep senses of who am I are where all Godscribes go. It’s the only way to come up with God. xoxoxox
Hi Sondra:
This article really resonated with me. I often find myself in that shallow pool of emotion often times during the work week when I let things stress me out, when the thinking thoughts just seem to take over.
When this happens I try remembering who I really am or as you say go into the “deep depths” right there at work and ask what are you so worried and stress-out about. And the answer always comes back as this is not even real. What are you worried about. It’s just your emotions materializing themselves. And it changes my level of conscientiousness and things are not quite so serious.
Treating the mind with kindness, I love that. I will have to incorporate that into my way of being too.
Hi Yvonne,
One way I do it, go to the deep depths, is I imagine my self in the ocean, my head on the surface of the water, dealing with the waves of a storm. I let go of my need to breath air, and realize I don’t breath air in my imagination, and then sink below the waves, into the calm depths underneath.
Hope to see you in Sedona, Oct. 3?
Wow, nice. I really like that-very calming, great imagery too. I’m going to steal it. (smile)
As far as Oct 3 unfortunately, I will have to miss all the fun that weekend. I have an old childhood friend flying in to visit that weekend. We have been friends now for over 50 years but haven’t seen each other in quite awhile. I will have to see you at the next event.
Hi Sondra!
These answers written on knowing the deep, deep down, really help me affirm the feeling I have. It assures me that I am in the right space. I really love the reminders given, its so helpful in everyday life and helps keep me focus on being self-centered. I am working on it…..those mental gymnastics!!! Haha
Your friend,
emotional gymnastics are just as challenging, and actually more rewarding to figure out. the mind just has to stop jumping to conclusions… 🙂
Morning Sondra,Your blog and books are really powerful and it is up to an individual to choose…DEEP DEEP DOWN has some real questions to answer.The is no straight answer to some of those questions as words used can still happiness and bring fear to the unknown?but Your blog is powerful.
Hi Teboho,
“There is no straight answer to some of those questions…” Well, it depends on what you consider straight to be. If you consider straight to be something that makes sense to the outside world, then no, you’re right. But if you consider straight to mean truth, then straight is an abundance of truth. It’s much the way dreams work. As you deepen your walk on your path, you recognize that the world is full of untruth and the only way to get truth is through those questions.
May people simply ask the wrong questions of life, and they get the wrong answers. Answers that may seem straight but are really just a prolonging of the unstraight path.
Thanks for participating in the blog, Teboho!