Peaceful Coexistence, Is it Possible in the Future?

Can Humanity Accomplish a Peaceful Coexistence? peaceful-coexistence-sebastian-unrau-48222-unsplash

Dear Godscribe:

How can the future of humanity accomplish a peaceful coexistence?

Dear Reader,

Humanity is a sea of creatures, where each and all are fighting for survival.

Echoed in the community is the survival of individuals. Each community will echo within their likes and dislikes.

As a result, these preferences also create the territorial boundary of a community.

While some communities will overlap, most will not, and cannot, therefore, find common ground.

Common Ground for a Sea of Creatures:

The first goal within communities is to live in harmony and respect for one another.

But the idiosyncrasies of other communities are not accepted by all communities. Because principles that can be disagreeable and exclusionary are founded, instead.

The only way to have a peaceful coexistence is to ban war.

Within the whole of nations, a war would have to be illegal and on a grand scale, with war crimes punished, also.

But this does not mean disarming the populous, it means disarming the governments.

In addition, the communities assigned to govern the protection of a government will shut down any group that stages a coup.

One Comment

  1. Love that solution! To ban war.