Your intuition depends on it.

How Does Imagination Get Disconnected?
stress, burnout, or emotional hardship…
As a psychic seer, my imagination does all the work.
When I conduct soul readings, it assembles my journey in the mind.
More importantly, my imagination groped for and found my first adventures in psychic knowing.
These 15 signs of a detached imagination reveal why you must rekindle your ingenious powers of imagination.
15 Telltale Signs of a Disconnected Imagination:
1. Reduced Creative Thinking:
Struggling to develop new ideas, solutions, or approaches to problems; clinging to rigid or conventional ideas
2. Lack of Inspiration:
Do you need to be more inspired? Do you feel stuck, or unable to connect with any deeper sense of vision or purpose in your work or personal life?
3. Difficulty Visualizing:
Is it difficult to picture things in your mind, whether it’s future goals, creative projects, or even simple visualizations?
4. Lost Daydreams:
Are you stuck in practical matters? Unable to invent or explore imaginary scenarios?
5. Dwindled Curiosity:
Have you stopped asking “what if ” questions? Are you feeling uninterested to think beyond what’s obvious or “safe”?
6. Emotional Flatness:
Are you disconnected from emotions that fuel imagination, such as wonder, awe, or excitement about the unknown?
7. Loss of Playfulness:
How’s your sense of humor lately? Have you lost a sense of play or experimentation, especially in activities that require pretending or envisioning alternatives?
8. Decline in Problem-solving Abilities:
Do you struggle to approach problems innovatively or flexibly, relying solely on known or repetitive methods?
9. Avoidance of Creative Tasks:
Do you avoid engaging in artistic or creative activities, such as drawing, writing, or crafting, which once required imaginative thinking?
10. Rigid Thinking:
Are you overly pragmatic, focusing only on practical, tangible outcomes and resisting abstract or theoretical ideas?
11. Disinterest In The Future:
Do you have a diminished sense of hope or enthusiasm for the future? Is it hard to imagine better possibilities or new opportunities?
12. Feeling Trapped In Routine:
You may feel stuck in the monotony of daily life.
13. Resistance To Change Or Innovation:
Do you struggle to adapt to new ideas, resisting innovation or changes because you can’t envision a different or better outcome?
14. Lack Of Interest In Storytelling Or Fantasy:
You may no longer enjoy reading fiction, watching movies, or engaging in imaginative entertainment.
15. Inability To Engage In “Pretend”:
Are you unable or unwilling to engage in playful or imaginative activities (e.g., playing pretend games with children)?
Which of these do you relate to? Place a bet on yourself.
You were born with an imagination and your childhood was filled with it.
Let’s get it back.

How Do I Revive My Imagination?
Time to regain a sense of optimism, joy, and your sixth sense.
Source says:
- Take stock of your life, determine where you are right now – and identify the key components of your daily routine.
- After you’ve noticed how much of your routine is embedded in obligation, take two minutes every morning to speak into the Universe this sentence: ” I want to know what it feels like to enter my imagination.”
- If you don’t know what “the Universe” is, you’ve already stopped yourself; try #2 again. Use your inner voice and speak into the dark void of your mind.
- Oblige yourself – above your job, chores, or others. Create a simple, non-standard, new routine. Take a class in watercolors, writing composition, journal writing, sewing, woodworking, gardening, psychic viewing (coming soon!), etc.
- Get a Soul Reading: with Source communicator Sondra Sneed (me!). Allow the Source of Infinite Being to pierce your mental might and find what you need now. This is the most accessible passive approach that will inform your next moves forward, inward, and skyward.