Cauliflower and the Mind of God

“When you learn to open your human mind and capture the great creative force that dwells somewhere above your thinking brain, then you will uncover the riches you seek and the abundant life withheld from you.”(Introduction, Page xxi, What to Do When You’re Dead)

My previous Wisenheimer post was deep, and worth multiple readings. 

I thought I’d lighten-up with something visual.  This video demonstrates how a cauliflower is similar in structure to how the mind of God contains your mind, and your mind contains God.

[Godscribed text:] When you deepen your mind, you fall down into the mind of God in a very important way, this means you actually connect your mind to the All Being. (It is above the thinking brain in it is higher energy pattern, but below your internal self. The self is not your body, but your body contains the self.)

The All Being is the totality of all minds, which include every way of the universe at once.  

This is not a location, there is no location of the All Being, but there is an awareness of the self.  This awareness “proposes” its only way.  This is how ALL are the same as ONE. When One proposes its self to be, then you are what it is in your knowing.

Sondra: Does that mean when you know that what you are – as the All Being – then you are there? In the All Being?
God: Not exactly.  You have to not only know that you are the All Being, but also know that you are not the All Being. You have to know that you are the individuation of it, too.
Sondra: So you have to be both an observer of it and yourself?
God: Yes, exactly.
Sondra: But how can you be an observer of something you are contained within?
God: You are not contained.
Sondra: So it’s in the uncontaining of yourself that makes it possible to be in the All Being?
God: No, uncontaining your mind is what’s happening, not uncontaining the self.  You are contained within a body, when you think you are a body.  You are not contained within a body when you know you are more than a body.  When you know you are a mind, you are containing your mind within itself, which has no container.

These ways are the pathways of all natures of all of the ways of God.  All natures include every way of you, past, present, and future. This is not an easy place to descend to, but it is possible to be there and here on the earth at the same time.  This is how Sondra is able to be a scribe and voice for God.

Sondra: Well the explanation of it is much harder to conceive than the doing of it.
God: That is why words always fail when there are feelings that better communicate.

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