Be what you are designing (action),
Instead of what you wish (no action)”

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[Begin Godscribed content…]

  1.  Make the conscious decision to listen to your thoughts
  2.  Listen to how often you beat yourself up

  3.  Listen to how often you betray yourself

  4. Listen to how often you forget to love
  5. Listen to the judgments you make
  6. Listen to what you think you’re not good at
  7. Listen to how you mock those who try to be their best
  8. Listen to those you want to be like, and see what it is they are doing that you already do
  9. Listen to the way people are talking to you in your mind
  10. Listen to why you always use your frustration to end your state of calm

A betrayal of thought is the thought that wounds you. It wounds you the minute you remember someone or something someone did, said, or intended toward you.

It’s a re-injury. These are instances of the past that get re-lived as if they happened again and again and again. They dwell in the present memory when they wound you again.

These thoughts are no longer a past incident, in this case. They betray your sense of calm, rational self love.

Here’s how to solve a betraying thought.

1. Take responsibility for what’s happening. The first time someone wounded you is not your responsibility. But when it comes to your mind, this IS your responsibility. You are responsible for how often you relive an injury.

2. Take rest assurance in knowing that it is an over and done with issue. Meaning it happened and it’s not happening now. It’s over.

3. Take rest assurance that your wound will heal when you stop feeding it the injury. You betray yourself every time you feed an injury its wounded thoughts. Keep wounding yourself and you won’t heal.

4. Take rest assurance in your ability to control your own feelings. Know that your feelings are yours and nobody else’s. That means you get to do with them what you will. If you will to experience pain, you can injure yourself all day long if you want.

5. Take rest assurance that you’ll stop wounding yourself when you’re good and ready and no one has the right to tell you when that is. Only you have that right. It’s yours and no one else’s.

6. Take rest assurance that when you decide to be loving to yourself, you’ll tell yourself you don’t need those thoughts anymore. You’ll tell yourself how much love you’re going to give yourself by nurturing kinder, gentler thoughts.

7. Take rest assurance that you get to be the only one who decides when you feel true love.  The love that is true is love that makes you giddy inside. You feel a sudden sense of joy, out of the blue, from no where, or no one. It’s joy that bubbles up in you for no apparent reason.

8. Take rest assurance that the love that bubbles up is able to do so because you’re not stuffing your spirit down, inside the thoughts of the brain. You’re giving it room to breathe in the life of you, rather than the thoughts of you.

9. Take rest assurance that you are the love that comes through you. You are literally this love. So when you are free of dark thoughts that wound you, you are free to be who you truly are, a love of being without end, without reason.  You are the love of being for the reason of being.

SUSIE FROM NEW ZEALAND won February’s drawing!  You’ll be entered to win for March, when you comment below. Besides, you know you have something to add to the conversation. Make it so.


  1. Giving one faith in another illusion, isn’t giving answers. Seeking answers, means they know they stuffed up and want to change for the better. Perhaps i’m on the wrong site, I wasn’t looking for forgiveness, rather direction. For Example: If you want to confess go to a priest. If you want to be a better person the first steps you already made. Keep up, it gets easier and a lot more fun.

    I don’t mean to bag out beliefs, Tho life is too short, its meant to be lived.
    We venture, experiment and make poor choices.
    Yet living life we want to be better. That need to be better, makes us whom we are.

    A crooked man walked a crooked mile.

    • Dear C,
      This is no place for confession. 🙂 This is where you go to entertain the mind that makes you what you are.

      You said, “That need to be better, makes us [who] we are. A crooked man walked a crooked mile.”

      I say, you couldn’t be more wrong, and I say that as a woman who’s got years of experience learning this one little secret to life. The need to be better makes us, well, better. But by no means makes us who we are. Who we are is the one with the need to be better. We are the one that strives, not the one we become in our striving.

      Who we truly are is a being we cannot see, smell, taste, or touch. So we invent great orchestrations to hear back to this self, “What am I? What can “I” do? What is this “I” I call me? And what can this me tell me about me?”

      All in all we are God seeking what God is, reflecting back to God when God asks, “What am I” … we say back, “I am!” With each I am we stretch what we know about ourselves that is this God.

      C, reading between the lines of your comment, I hear a sad hope. What makes you sad? Do you know?


  2. Learning to forgive what has occurred by the remarks of others is a hard thing to do. That old saying of “sticks & stones, may break my bones but, words will never hurt me”. Is quite false, although we all have the gift of forgiveness, to ourselves and others. We all need to learn how to embrace it! It has taken me quite sometime to acknowledge myself, reminding myself daily of this message. Fortunately, for me I have embraced it quite well. It lives in my heart. Thank you Sondra for what you bring to light for all…

    • Nonica,
      What you say is so common, you are right about that! I would however, and ever so respectfully, disagree that one would or should embrace forgiveness. I think that’s too hard. The more simple way to release a person’s wrongness upon you is to always see how it has led you. What did it teach you, or where did it take you? If it brought you to something you would not have had otherwise, then you know that what they did is for giving. This is the true nature of forgiving. When someone’s behavior or action becomes a catalyst to your becoming better at you, you don’t have to focus on forgiveness in them, you can focus on the giving within you, and let it go. 🙂 Thank you for your beautiful kind words. I live and work for those grateful words. 🙂

  3. It would be fantastic to remind myself on a daily basis that the past is the past and that there is no need to go there to relive those old hurts/injuries. It’s tiring to have to relive them and such a waste of time too. It’s true…life would be very joyous and blissful if I would just release, let go and breathe NOW.

    • BREATHE NOW! Yes, Ann, that is it exactly. You can accomplish the sense that the past is not here, NOW. The now is a very special moment. It’s when you are calm, at ease and listening to what’s right now. If you master the quiet of the now, you have leverage over the past. xo!

  4. I have been conscious of hearing myself when I speak and also how I feel. My awareness got bolted out of a slumber when I started thinking about all the thoughts that I have running amok in my head. I made a promise to myself to not injure or betray myself with thoughts that only re-jury me. I even have a knot in my solar plexus as I write this. Experiencing injury and trauma once is enough.
    I have become aware of introducing thoughts that interrupts my calm. I have to admit that I am going to segway the skill of paying attention to re-accuring thoughts into the cause of why those thoughts exist. That will be another session with God and You. I have come such a long way since Gary introduced me to you. To know you is to truly love you. Vega

    • You have come a lonnnnnnng way, Vega. Such a distance have you traveled. I’m honored to be the facilitator of the work you are doing with Source. God has taken you into the depths of your gifts, your worries, your fears, and most importantly your love.

      What you’ve said here is some honest to goodness good self talk. One thing I wish I could teach everyone, is that there’s no reason to understand WHY dark thoughts persist, there is only reason to understand your life without them. I love you so much, honorable master, Vega. xo, Sondra

  5. Such gorgeous insight you all are sharing here. So touching. It’s unendingly fascinating to me as Sondra, the human, to feel the content of what your reactions are to Source intelligence.

    Marianne, your personal ah ha is so powerful. To reach the knowing that you have been the love you’ve denied yourself all along! Woe. That is life-altering.

    Laura, Maria, Ravenspirit, Mercedes thank you for your thoughts, I read every word. Each of you are treasures to my work.

    I love to hear the world I am creating with God come back and show me its effects. You are the effects and those effects you show to others and they are affected by my effects in you, each of you. What an extraordinary honor.

    Keep writing…ALL of you who come here. You are so important to the inspiration I need when the road is rocky, the bank gets empty, and the future is foggy. I keep moving forward for you, because I continue to see the effects of the work in others.

    I would have given up, gone back to my old work if not for the encouragement and stories you tell me about my work’s effect on you. Thank you soooooo much, for keeping this Spirit train moving along!

  6. Yes, thoughts can be brutal…This has been hard for me through the years. Letting go, living in the moment, letting go of what is no more. Starting to talk to myself, the “other person” who is not getting it….My soul is different, that is who I am. Retraining the brain…that’s the journey now…Glad to know what God thinks…often wondered his opinion….thanks so much Sondra

    • you are so welcome, Mercedes. You have so much to bring to the world. All that you are shows up in the smile you give others. xo, Sondra

  7. I have always enjoyed listening to you and especially when you give readings. I listen to each person you (God) connect with and appreciate that whatever is said, I can take something from each of those readings to expand my own thoughts. Thank you so much for bringing more to light for me to understand.

    • Ahhhh, a joy to read your words. From my light to yours, namaste, RavensSpirit. xoxo

  8. I know thoughts have power and that they can make you down if you let that go on. But you can stop that. The last three points about love is very inspiring for me. I always suppressed the feelings of love, it was too dangerous to feel them, but I more and more allowed them to be there. Now I see that I am the love I feel. That is new to me. Very inspiring. Because is so inspiring. Thank you for this insight, Sondra

  9. Hello Sondra,

    I just started reading your book and I appreciate what you are sharing. I do believe when we accept responsibility for our thoughts and feelings and choose to change what no longer serves our highest good we can truly experience deep healing. Our patterns are not always easy to detect yet if we are open and honest our hearts will guide us. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Laura

  10. Hi Sondra
    I felt God’s message really talked to my Heart. I felt betrayed by a coworker/friend almost two yrs ago. I’m no longer at this Company but just the thought of what she did made me feel really sad. I can relate on how every time this memory would come up It would take my calm away . I did not realize how I was wounding myself. I will be more cautious and aware of my thoughts and I will give these thoughts to God for clearing . I appreciate all you do Sondra!!!!
    Thank you.? Maria